Teacher's Planner - WE PRINT

Teacher's Planner

L.E 495.00 EGP L.E 412.50 EGP
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Teacher's Planner

Introducing the essential Teacher's Planner, thoughtfully designed to help educators streamline their day and efficiently manage student information.  this planner is your ultimate organizational ally.


  • Size: 15 x 21 cm (A5 size), a compact and easy-to-carry design that slips effortlessly into your bag or briefcase.
  • Paper Quality: Each of the 100 sheets within boasts a weight of 100 grams, ensuring durability and a pleasant writing experience.
  • Functionality: Tailored specifically for teachers, this planner provides a structured format to organize your daily tasks and securely keep track of student data.
  • Quantity: Comprised of 100 well-constructed pages, offering ample space for an entire academic term or even year.
  • Versions: This versatile planner comes in two distinct versions to suit your preference:
    1. The first edition features a sturdy, reinforced cardboard cover, offering resilience and longevity.
    2. The second edition comes with a softer, flexible paper cover for those who appreciate a lightweight option.

Purchase your Teacher's Planner today, available at WE PRINT, and take the first step towards a more organized and productive teaching experience. Add to cart now and enjoy a seamless, secure checkout, knowing that you are only days away from enhancing your educational planning.

Product by WE PRINT, YOUR GIFT © 2023. All Rights Reserved.
Choose wisely and refresh your approach with this meticulously designed Teacher's Planner – because every educator deserves the best tools for success.

  • Soft-Covers
  • Hard-Covers
  • 15 x 21 cm (A5 size)

400 g

Delivery time : within 5-7 working days

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